Civic Information Systems

Mission: The Civic Information Systems Commission advises the Village Board on technology, information management/resources and policy issues within Village government and in the Village and on issues related to cable and telecommunications providers who use or are seeking to use the Village right of way.

Membership: 7 members

Qualifications: Members of the Commission shall have a demonstrated interest in and knowledge of information technology and policy issues. As this Commission advises the Village Board on strategic policy issues, it shall include at least three members with appropriate experience, training or professional knowledge about information technology design, delivery and management, geographic information systems, as well as user interface techniques to access public information resources.

Length of Term: 3 years

Meeting Schedule: Meets at 7 p.m., the second Thursday of every month at Village Hall, 123 Madison St. If you require assistance to participate in any Village program or activity, contact the ADA Coordinator at 708.358.5430 or e-mail at least 48 hours before the scheduled activity.

Work Plan: Civic Information Systems Commission 2023 Work Plan(PDF, 47KB)

Meeting Documents