Village Manager

The Village Manager's Office administers municipal government activities on a day-to-day basis and coordinates the operations of all the departments.

Duties and Responsibilities

Among the wide range of duties and responsibilities of the Village Manager's Office are the following:

  • Executing policies and goals of the Village Board
  • Compiling agendas for all meeting of the Village Board
  • Conducting research and advising Village Board decision making
  • Preparing an annual budget for Village Board consideration
  • Coordinating intergovernmental and legislative affairs
  • Managing external communications functions including cable television oversight, municipal web site content and government access television programming

View a list of Village Presidents and Managers(PDF, 91KB)

Form of Government

The Village of Oak Park operates under the Village Manager form of government. An elected Village Board president and six trustees set policy, but hire a professional manager to oversee day-to-day operations and the delivery of municipal government services.

Watch the video below and click here to read more about the history(PDF, 153KB) of the form of government in Oak Park.