Bike the Beat

Bike the Beat is a community policing initiative with the Oak Park Police Department's residential beat officers biking through an area, or zone, and stopping to engage with residents.

The RBOs bike each zone in a 3 to 4 hour time frame with officers riding as a group along the streets, stopping at fields, parks and playgrounds.

The officers are available to meet with new residents, answer questions about the community, listen to feedback and even register bikes on-site.

Next events

Bike the Beat will be resuming soon this spring. Check back here in the coming weeks for a new schedule.

Upcoming Bike the Beat events are weather permitting and subject to change.

View a map of each zone with contact information for the RBO(PNG, 1MB). If you'd like officers to stop by your home, send your RBO a text.

Each Bike the Beat will be updated as they are scheduled. Events will be promoted via the Police Facebook and Twitter pages.

More information

The Bike the Beat program began in the fall of 2020 as a way to maintain social distance directives but keep communication open during the height of the pandemic.

Bike the Beat serves as a tool to help maintain community engagement between the Police Department and Oak Park residents.

RBOs hold regular virtual meetings in the neighborhoods they serve to discuss issues, report on crime trends and crime prevention tips, and answer questions. They provide helpful, practical information for residents in a monthly newsletter via email.

For more information on the RBO program and to sign up for email from your RBO, visit the Get to Know Your RBO page, call 708.386.3800 or email