Police Complaint Form

The Oak Park Police Department is a committed partner with the community, serving professionally and lawfully. Members of the Police Department recognize that the highest standards of ethics and integrity are essential to maintaining and enhancing this partnership. Any citizen who feels they were treated unfairly or improperly may file a complaint via the form on this page. The information below is intended to provide guidance and insight into the process. Complaints also may be filed with the Village Manager's Office, Citizens Police Oversight Committee or the Community Relations Department.


Who may complain?

Any person who has experienced, witnessed or has direct knowledge of police misconduct may file a complaint with the Village of Oak Park.

When should a complaint be filed?

A complaint should be filed if you feel you have been treated improperly or unfairly by a member of the Oak Park Police Department.

How does one file a complaint?

A complaint may be filed in the following ways:

  • Online - complete the online form below
  • In person at the Oak Park Police Department, 123 Madison St.
  • By mail to Oak Park Police Department, 123 Madison St., Oak Park, IL 60302
  • By telephone - call 708.386.3800 and ask for the Watch Commander

What information is required to file a complaint?

The following information is required to file a complaint against an Oak Park Police officer or employee:

Your contact information
If we do not have a valid way to contact you, your complaint will be handled as an inquiry. The matter will be investigated, but not as a formal complaint and you may not be notified about the findings.

Incident information
The date, time and location of the incident is needed to compile any records of the incident.

Incident description
Explain how you were involved and the Police Officer's conduct that prompted your complaint.

Officer information
Identify the Police Officer involved in the incident to the best of your ability. If you do not know the name and/or badge number of the officer, describe the officer in the Additional Information section. This section also may be used if more than one officer is part of your complaint.

Witness information
Identify any witnesses to the incident with their known contact information, so that they may be contacted for an interview.

Describe any evidence or information you have and provide a copy to the Police Department.

Verify complaint
A formal complaint against a Police Officer requires a signed affidavit. Checking the certification box on the form below constitutes a signed affidavit. Please be aware that anyone who files a false complaint is subject to prosecution. Minors under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian sign the affidavit.

What happens after a complaint has been filed?

All complaints undergo a thorough review and investigation. Complaints also are reviewed by the Citizen Police Oversight Committee.

Supervisor Review
Includes review and recommendation within the Police chain of command, flowing from the accused's immediate supervisor to the Chief of Police, who makes the final determination of disposition and discipline, if warrananted.

Civilian Oversight Committee
The Citizen Police Advisory Committee (CPOC), which is appointed by the Village President/Mayor with the consent of the Village Board, may be asked to review a complaint and the final determination. This committee reports its findings to the Village Manager, who may take action up to and including termination. Members of the public may appear before the committee to comment on complaints.

What information is the complainant told?

Once the review and investigation process is completed, a certified letter is mailed to the complainant explaining the outcome of the investigation.

What are the types of final disposition/determination?

  • Pending - Under investigation or administrative review.
  • Unresolved - Complainant failed to cooperate further.
  • Unfounded - Allegation was proved false or not factual.
  • Sustained - Allegation was supported by sufficient evidence to justify a reasonable conclusion of guilt.
  • Withdrawn - Complaint was withdrawn by the complainant.
  • Not Sustained - Sufficient evidence was not provided to prove or disprove the allegations.
  • Exonerated - Incident occurred, but was lawful and proper.
  • Not Village Related - Complaint was not related to any official conduct and was outside the jurisdiction of the Oak Park Police Department.
  • Policy Failure - Allegation true, but the officer acted in conformance with policy resulting in harm to complainant.

Submit a Complaint

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